2 Mar No Comments timbearden Puppy

I really never mentioned it, but we live in Beaumont California. We have been watching our little puppy grow up. Until she reaches 8 weeks she is still at her home in Hemet. We occasionally get to go and check in on her. We just witnessed some of our puppy’s first steps. She is 3 and half weeks old. Last week she was beginning to howl and show her personality. Although her personality could change, currently she seems to be the most vocal of the bunch. With a little training though, hopefully she can can still have her personality and not talk too excessive. Below is photo of her walking and howling as well of a photo of her with Johanna.

English Golden Retriever Puppy Howling

Our Golden Retriever Puppy Howling

Daughter and English Golden Retriever

Our daughter with our puppy

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Feeding Puppies For First Time
Puppy Eyes Have Opened