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We love our Golden Retrievers, even their strands of white gold. If you are here, then you probably are asking the question: how much do Golden Retrievers shed? Goldens are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, loyalty, intelligence, and of course their gold. One thing that potential owners should be aware of is that Golden Retrievers shed quite a bit. In this article, we will discuss how much Golden Retrievers shed, how to handle the shedding, and tools for grooming.

How Much Do Golden Retrievers Shed?

Golden Retrievers have a double coat consisting of a soft, thick undercoat and a longer, wavy topcoat. This double coat helps them stay warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. However, it also means that they shed quite a bit, especially during shedding season.

Golden Retrievers typically shed twice a year, in the spring and fall, as their bodies prepare for the changing seasons. During this time, they will shed their undercoat, which can lead to a significant amount of hair in your home. Outside of shedding season, they will still shed, but to a lesser extent.

However, something else to note, here in California my goldens shed around January to February. Right in the heart of winter. Tuffs of hair everywhere.

How to Handle the Shedding

If you are considering getting a Golden Retriever, it is important to be prepared for the shedding. Here are some tips for handling the shedding:

  1. Groom and brush your Golden Retriever regularly: Regular brushing can help to remove loose hair before it falls out and gets all over your home. Use a slicker brush or a grooming rake to brush your Golden Retriever’s coat. A metal comb helps pull out hairs that are stubborn. Something similar to this photo is what I use:
  2. Bathe your Golden Retriever as needed: Bathing your Golden Retriever can help to remove loose hair and reduce shedding. However, be careful not to bathe your dog too often, as this can strip their coat of natural oils.
  3. Vacuum your home frequently: To keep your home free of dog hair, it is important to vacuum frequently. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap allergens and pet dander. I used Dyson Ball for over 10 years. They are great for dog hair. Last year I switched to a Shark. I don’t think it will last as long, but it does pick up hair that the Dyson missed.
  4. Use a lint roller: Keep a lint roller handy to quickly remove dog hair from clothing and furniture.

Tools for Grooming

In addition to regular brushing and bathing, there are several grooming tools that can help to reduce shedding in Golden Retrievers. Here are a few tools to consider:

  1. Furminator: The Furminator is a popular grooming tool that is designed to remove loose hair from your dog’s undercoat. It can be used once a week to reduce shedding. I no longer use this on my Golden Retrievers, but I know many people who. However, I’ve also seen people pull their dogs hair, which is no fun for your Goldie.
  2. Shedding blade: A shedding blade is a metal comb with small teeth that can be used to remove loose hair from your dog’s coat.
  3. Grooming rake: A grooming rake is a tool with long, widely spaced teeth that can be used to remove loose hair from your dog’s undercoat.
  4. Slicker brush: A slicker brush is a brush with fine, short wires that can be used to remove loose hair from your dog’s coat.

Bonus Tips

In addition to the tips and tools mentioned above, there are a few other things that you can do to help manage your Golden Retriever’s shedding. These include:

  1. Keeping your dog healthy: A healthy dog will shed less than an unhealthy dog. Make sure your Golden Retriever is getting enough exercise, eating a balanced diet, and receiving regular veterinary care. Maintaining their skin will minimize dandruff that they may have.
  2. Using supplements: Some supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can help to reduce shedding and improve your dog’s coat health.
  3. Avoiding stress: Stress can cause your dog to shed more than usual. Try to keep your dog as stress-free as possible by providing a calm and comfortable environment.

Remember that shedding is a natural and necessary process for Golden Retrievers. While you can’t completely eliminate shedding, you can take steps to manage it and keep your home relatively free of dog hair. With the right tools, techniques, and care, you can enjoy all the wonderful qualities that make Golden Retrievers such a beloved breed. Plan to spend some quality time brushing your Golden and getting as much out all at once, rather than letting it go all over the place. Your Golden will enjoy the attention too.


Golden Retrievers are a wonderful breed, but they do shed quite a bit. It is important to be prepared for the shedding if you are considering getting a Golden Retriever. Regular brushing, bathing, and vacuuming can help to reduce shedding, and there are several grooming tools that can be used as well. With the right tools and techniques, you can keep your home relatively free of dog hair and enjoy all the love and affection that a Golden Retriever has to offer.


  1. American Kennel Club. (2021). Golden Retriever. Retrieved from https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/golden-retriever/
  2. Golden Retriever Club of America. (n.d.). Coat & Grooming. Retrieved from https://grca.org/about-the-breed/coat-grooming/
  3. PetMD. (2021). Golden Retriever. Retrieved from https://www.petmd.com/dog/breeds/c_dg_golden_retriever
  4. Shedding Solutions. (n.d.). How to Groom a Golden Retriever: Step-by-Step Guide. Retrieved from https://www.sheddingsolutions.net/how-to-groom-a-golden-retriever/
  5. Vetstreet. (2019). Golden Retriever. Retrieved from https://www.vetstreet.com/dogs/golden-retriever
  6. Whole Dog Journal. (2018). The Best Grooming Tools for Dogs: Recommended by a Groomer. Retrieved from https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/care/the-best-grooming-tools-for-dogs-recommended-by-a-groomer/
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