23 May No Comments timbearden Random

Often while speaking to people I’m reminded of various things. More so about things I want to blog about. Puppies love to play with balls. What better way than in a puppy ball pit. We created a ball pit so they could have lots of fun. Over a year ago we set up the ball pit for a litter of golden retriever puppies we had. We bought some balls and a plastic pool. I thought we made a post about it, but realized we never had. So I scoured my photos to find photos of our puppy ball pit. I could only find these photos below.

Puppy Balli Pit for our golden retrievers

Puppy Ball Pit

I know we recorded a video of our puppies playing in the pit, but I was unable to find it. Truth be told they enjoyed knocking the balls out and playing with them outside. Generally, our puppy ball pen is in our puppy room. However, we took it outside to take photos. Unfortunately most of those photos and videos disappeared. Hopefully our next litter we will get better photos.

puppies chasing balls

Puppies Chasing Ball

puppy playing with ball

Puppy Playing With Ball

puppy staring at ball

Puppy Staring at Ball

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Golden Retriever Playing With Sprinklers
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